Dear Colleague:

Cosmetic gynecology is an emerging yet vastly understudied topic. One of the main goals of the IUGA Cosmetic Gynecology Special Interest Group is to contribute to the development of evidence based research in this field.

This survey is designed to gain information on the perceptions and practice patterns of Attending/Consultant Physicians with regard to the emerging field of cosmetic gynecology.

We would greatly appreciate learning your opinions on this field and thank you for your time.

For the purposes of this survey a cosmetic gynecology procedure is defined as elective interventions to enhance the aesthetic appearance of the external genitalia, modify the genital organs, or elective functional vaginal procedures (in the absence of pathology) with the intent of improving a woman's quality of life.

Ex: Labia minora reduction (labiaplasty), Labia Majora Augmentation or Reduction, Surgical Vaginal Tightening (Colpoperineoplasty), Mons Pubis Augmentation or Reduction, Energy Based Therapy (Laser/Radiofrequency) for vulvar or vaginal tightening

Please review the information below, and if interested proceed to the survey page.

(Total Survey Time estimated ~5 minutes)

Thank you!

Bobby Garcia

IUGA Cosmetic Gyn SIG Chair

Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center in New Orleans

Information on Participating in Research

STUDY TITLE: A Survey of IUGA members perceptions of Cosmetic Gynecology


Barry Hallner MD

New Orleans, USA


Bobby Garcia MD

New Orleans, USA


Why is this study being done?

The purpose of the study is to gain information on the perceptions and practice patterns of Attending/Consultant IUGA members and Fellows in Training with regard to the emerging field of cosmetic gynecology. You are being asked to participate in this study because you are a member of IUGA

What will happen if I take part in this study?

You will answer a short 5 minute survey which includes questions on demographics (age, region of practice, specialty), perceptions (feelings toward aesthetic procedures), and practice patterns (number and kind of cosmetic procedures you offer). Provide a concise description of study procedures in enough detail to give a clear picture of what the participant will experience during the study. Describe procedures to be followed and the location and length of time for the procedures.

What are the risks of taking part in this study?

Although we are asking for your age, speciality, region of practice, and years in practice, it is unlikely that someone could identify you. However, we will be utilizing a secure database (RedCap) and password encrypted computer to analyze data. We do not think there are any other risks.

Are there any benefits to participating in this study?

There will not be direct benefits to you from participating in this study. This study may help researchers learn more about IUGA members cosmetic gynecology interests and areas for future research.

Will I be paid for my participation?

You will not receive any type of payment for taking part in this study.

Whom can I contact if I have questions about this study?

  • The research team:

You may contact the following individuals with any questions or concerns about the research or your participation in this study.

Bobby Garcia MD

Chair IUGA Special Interest Group Cosmetic Gynecology

New Orleans, USA


  • Office of the Chancellor, LSU Health Sciences Center - New Orleans:

You may contact the Office of the Chancellor by phone at (504) 568-4801, if

  • you have questions about your rights while taking part in this study, or
  • you have any concerns or suggestions, and
  • want to talk to someone other than the researchers about the study.

Your Participation in this Study is Voluntary

Taking part in this research study is voluntary; you do not have to participate. If you do take part, you can stop at any time.

Your Consent

By choosing to participate in this study, I acknowledge or am aware that:

  • The researcher(s) discussed the study with me and answered all my questions.
  • I can contact the study team or the Chancellor’s Office using the contact information provided above if I have any questions or concerns as the study commences.

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